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FreshPlaza is talking about us

Fresh Plaza, the renowned international website which focuses on the fruit and vegetables industry, is featuring an interview with the co-founder of mondona, Maximilian Feulner. Mondona is an Italian start-up that gave birth to Soft-DRY®, an innovative cold antioxidative dehydration method that enhances and helps maintain the nutritional values of fresh fruit including fibres, vitamins and mineral salts.

Covered in the interview is the personal narrative of three young businessmen and the path that led them to launch the brand, making a range of genuine high quality products and developing a business model based on environmentally sustainable and scientifically backed research.

The interview also features a segment on exclusive organic and bio-dynamic innovations, such as Agro Pontino’s exquisite red and yellow kiwis, known not only for their precious vitamins but in particular for their delicious taste.

Lastly, the interview exposes the entrepreneurial aspirations of mondona’s co-founders who are driven by their desire to lead the way in setting higher standards for the food industry.

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