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Vitaina becomes mondona!
We thought it was time to give our brand a new look that represents even more our mission.
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With us, summer lasts all year round.
Soft-DRY® gently and slowly removes water below 42 °C. Thus, we optimally preserve the organoleptic and nutritional properties.
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Nutritious, tasty, and naturally genuine.
Treat yourself in the healthiest and most delicious way possible, without feeling guilty. Soft-DRY® is our secret!
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Delicious and healthy at the same time!
If you are tired of boring diets, we might have just created the perfect solution for you.
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We care about our planet and sustainability.
We take the global waste and pollution problem seriously. This is why we only use green and 100% recyclable packaging.
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Our latest products

Naturally delicious and with all the energy, vitamins, and minerals you need for a full day. Our products are a must-have in every healthy and balanced diet. Check out our newest selection of fully natural, organic, vegan, and also raw products. Keep them in your workplace for times when you need that energy boost, pack them in your kid’s school bag or enjoy them at the gym before or after a training session.

Organic Strawberries

Gently dried (Soft-DRY®) organic strawberry.
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Organic Green Kiwi Demeter®

Gently dried (Soft-DRY®) biodynamic green kiwi.
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Organic Orange

Gently dried (Soft-DRY®) organic orange.
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Organic Pumpkin Seeds

All natural organic pumpkin seeds.
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Organic Red Kiwi

Gently dried (Soft-DRY®) organic red kiwi.
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Mondona is for everyone

We are one and we are united. We all have the same needs: health, energy and improving our quality of life. This is how we view the world; this is what we offer you. The healthiest all-natural products made with love, to accompany every moment of your life.

Benefits of Soft-DRY®

Soft-DRY® sets a new standard for dried products. It is our unique and innovative approach to create a whole new concept of genuinely and naturally dehydrated snacks, while keeping their healthy nutritional values such as vitamins and minerals.
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Smart and healthy snacking

Nutritionists always encourage healthy snacking while trying to stay on top of your hectic day. It is what will keep you fuelled and focused during the hours. Our Soft-DRY® snacks are a smart and healthy alternative, which provide you with valuable nutrients and the energy you need to be active and efficient.

Like fresh, just more convenient

There is hardly anything better than having fresh fruits or vegetables for a snack. Unfortunately, our fast-paced lifestyle does not always leave time for washing, cutting, and peeling. We bring you a more convenient way to enjoy naturally grown and gently dehydrated fruits, vegetables and more, in a portable and easy-to-store and carry format.

Save time and money

When it comes to buying organic fruits and vegetables, time and money are to be considered. Whether you crave strawberries in January or need to add some veggies, nuts or seeds to your favourite dish, there is no need to pay more or wait for the right season. Soft-DRY® products are affordable and available all year round, and they can be stored for much longer, while also avoiding food waste.

All natural and vegan

Our products are cultivated with the highest respect towards the environment and for organic and biodynamic farming. They are a functional supplement for any diet due to their high nutritional density, thanks to Soft-DRY®. Our gently dried products are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are essential for a balanced and healthy diet.

Sustainability and waste reduction

We take the global waste and pollution problem seriously. This is the reason, why all our products come from sustainable farming. We use fruits and vegetables which would normally be degraded and only be used in other industries, due to unconventional shapes and sizes, but still with the same great organoleptic properties. Furthermore, all our products are packed in a 100% recyclable packaging.

Superfood to enhance your performance

Before or after an intense training session, we need to fuel our bodies with the highest possible quality food. Our products are functional and nutrient dense, thus superfoods, making them great for any sport activity. They can naturally boost your focus, strength, and endurance, and speed up your workout recovery.

Our inspiring recipes

There are infinite ways to enjoy our products. Pick your favourites, use your imagination and creativity, or take inspiration from our delicious recipes.

Cashew and raspberry cream pancakes

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chocolate dipped fruit

Chocolate-dipped dehydrated organic fruit

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Thumbprint cookies with dehydrated strawberries

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Our best sellers

Our bestsellers can brighten your day in a variety of ways. Add them to your breakfast bowl or salad as an extra kick of freshness, energy, and micronutrients, or have them on-the-go while dashing to a meeting. These are some of our customers favourite choices for healthy, tasty, and easy-to-eat snacking.

mondona's blog & news

All our latest news, blogs, announcements and more gathered here.
Just a click away.

Why specialists recommend mondona’s dehydrated fruits

Dehydrated fruit is the ideal food for the diet of children, adults, athletes and the elderly. In fact, increasingly more nutritionists recommend it instead of or to supplement fresh fruit.

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Dehydrated fruits inside your healthy diet

A nutritious snack to enjoy between meetings, the ideal snack for our children, already portioned and packed to go, a quick refill of energy for people who practice sports.

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FreshPlaza is talking about us

Fresh Plaza is featuring an interview with Maximilian Feulner, CEO of Mondona.

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    Due to our efforts for sustainable and ethical processes across our entire supply chain, both on a human and environmental level, we have been certified by recognized global organizations.