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We had a vision

From the very beginning, we challenged ourselves on redefining what dried products are by developing a method to produce all natural, high-quality fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. We understood that we had to discover a way to bring added value through innovation and to offer dried products with the same nutritional properties as high-quality fresh organic produce.

The problem we are solving

For centuries, people have tried to make food last longer and different drying techniques have been around for a while. The modern industry offers a wide range of technologies and all aim to be as fast and cost efficient as possible. However, dried products are often stacked with added sugars, fats, and salt, and because of conventional drying processes, they are stripped off a large part of their natural healthy properties.

Where the dry-food industry is missing a mark

Under the sun
Exposure to uncontrolled hygienic conditions and to atmospheric factors such as UV rays, oxygen, and higher temperatures.
Use of microwaves
It is questioned for decades whether the heat generated by microwaves has positive or negative effects on the nutrients in our food.
Fried and with added sugars
Crunchy and sweet bananas are delicious, yet most of the times they are stacked with added sugars and unhealthy fats.
With the help of vacuum
It reduces the boiling point of water and hence vaporizes moisture while affecting and changing the structure and consistency.
High temperature ovens
Higher temperatures from 45 ˚C and even up to 90 ˚C result in an overall loss in quality, as well as loss in micronutrients.
Frozen produce is freeze dried
Freeze drying never starts from a fresh and genuine product but always from a frozen one, leaving at the end a crunchy sponge of powder.

How mondona is different

Mondona was born from the idea of creating healthy, handy, and tasty snacks, which naturally contain vitamins and minerals, without using additives or preservatives. Our vision included the promotion of sustainable farming, seeking to reduce waste and keeping a low environmental footprint in all steps of the entire supply chain.

We wanted to offer a product that starts from fresh produce and that would remain as unprocessed as possible throughout the entire process. We realized that fresh fruits and vegetables are like living organisms and the more you treat them, the more the characteristics, such as the colour, taste but most importantly the vitamins and minerals, suffer.

We learned that to preserve the natural qualities of fresh produce at best, we needed to avoid three main factors:

High temperatures
Oxygen exposure
Sun & UV rays

That is why we sought innovative technology to reshape the traditional drying industry. Through research and innovation, we invented and patented Soft-DRY®, an antioxidative dehydration method that gently and slowly removes water, excluding oxidative sources, thereby optimally preserving the foods organoleptic and nutritional properties.

Today, after being for more than 6 years in the business, Soft-DRY® has evolved to become a standard for a more natural and gentle way of drying. We see it as a movement to advocate high quality and sustainable operations in every aspect of what brands in our sector should represent and how they should conduct business and operations.

Furthermore, mondona wants to open its doors with Soft-DRY® to other world realities and become a pillar and guide, from which others can benefit from too. We are always open to collaboration with partners who share our vision for sustainable businesses, organic productions, and our passion for quality.

Ripening on the plant
Manual processing
Quality control
Careful selection
Gentle dehydration
Manual packaging
Today, mondona is proud to have achieved the highest possible standards in the industry when it comes to food safety and quality.

The people, however, are our most valuable asset. Working in a family-like environment, with individuals who are motivated, happy, and appreciated for their work, knowing that they are contributing to something meaningful, especially for future generations, is our main driver.

We are constantly investing in R&D to always be on top of our best, and therefore collaborations with other companies or universities (La Tuscia in Viterbo, Italy) and experts in nutrition (Dr Simona Bifolchi, nutrition expert and biologist), make us proud.

Reviewed by:
Dr Simona Bifolchi
Food science specialist and food science expert

Dr. Simona Bifolchi – Nutritionist, Food Science specialist and food safety expert – assessed the entire supply chain, the Soft-DRY® dehydration process and the nutritional quality of mondona’s products obtained this way, and declared the following:

“With the high standard of quality ensured by the production method, which preserves the nutritional properties of fresh fruit, it is possible to obtain products with all the flavour of nothing but fruit, with no added sugars or preservatives. Mondona products, dehydrated using the Soft-DRY® method, are therefore a perfect addition to balanced nutrition plans, both across different age ranges and for different levels of sporting activity.

Here are some easy, practical consumption tips:

In sport, as a snack before and/or after training.
Before training, as a slow-release energy, thanks to its high fibre content, which allows a steady delivery of sugars during training.After sport, to restore the minerals, vitamins and sugars that help kick-start repair and energy replacement processes.
As part of a snack for children.
At school, instead of pasteurised fruit juices, which often contain added sugars, or served with a full-fat yoghurt as an afternoon snack.
For working people and students always on the go.
A handy and effective source of minerals and vitamins for those moments when you have neither the means nor the time to eat fresh fruit. Ideal with a handful of dried fruit, to fill you up, give you energy and help you concentrate in the long-term.
In the diets of elderly people.
The natural sweetness pleases even the sensitive palates of elderly people; these practical, versatile products are a healthy solution to add to the diet, helping achieve the correct amounts of vitamins and minerals every day.

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    Due to our efforts for sustainable and ethical processes across our entire supply chain, both on a human and environmental level, we have been certified by recognized global organizations.